Song Lyrics



Words by Sarah Pirtle
© 2006 Discovery Center Music, BMI

Click on Circle Dance to learn the dance steps created for this song.


1. The mountains know what the wild geese know.
The mountains know we are dancing.   
And my bones sing, and my bones sing
and my bones sing with the dancing.                  

2. The pine trees know what the crickets know.
The pine trees know we are dancing.    
And my bones sing, and my bones sing
and my bones sing with the dancing.                    

3. The rivers know what the old stones know.
The rivers know we are dancing.   
And my bones sing, and my bones sing
and my bones sing with the dancing.

Going round and round   
Going round and round   
Going round and round in the dancing.

Lui Collins created the second part that works as counterpoint
to the chorus:  Dancing, Dancing, round and round.

Background of the Song:

Ellen Kennedy, a sacred circle dance teacher, asked revered Buddhist teacher Thich Naht Hahn about the power of dancing. He replied, “When you dance, the mountains know it. The rivers know it. When we dance, the crystals, the animals, the stars in the sky know. The cosmos knows. The dance connects us to all creation.”

Ellen and I co-led a Circle Dance weekend at Rowe Conference Center along with Rowan Scott and Lucia Wilson. See the Circle Dance section. I created this song for our work together, and we danced it outside in November with the group.

For discussion:

What place on the Earth is a place that particularly speaks to you? When do you feel your bones sing? Describe a particular tree that you love and an experience you’ve had communing with that tree. Describe a particular mountain that you love.