Our Inclusion Statement
Since camp began in 1994, we’ve been focused on our commitment to help change the whole wheel of oppression including racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, and trauma stigma. We honor our dimensions of diversity at Journey Camp, and the people who come to Friendship Week are diverse not only in age. We are committed toward creating and nurturing an environment that is inclusive of all identities, races, cultures, abilities, and genders, including people who identify as non-binary.
Camp includes affirmation of girl power, queer inclusion, feminism, as well as being in a time of life where questions that are up for others are not in the forefront for you. That means we do a lot of welcoming, making space, and learning from each other. We also pay attention to which conversations fit for all of camp and which fit for older campers without making assumptions that age is the indicator of who is seeking which topics. We listen a lot. One of the workshops campers can elect is called, “I think I understand you more.” The first day we say that everyone needs support and understanding, and we invite you to tell us how that looks for you.